Laurence Anthony's Website


Older releases

All previous releases of ProtAnt can be found at the following link. <*.exe> and <*> are for Windows. <*.dmg>, <*.zip> and <*.pkg> files are for Macintosh OS X. <*.tar.gz> files are for Linux.

Discussion Group

Help file (translations)

Research Papers

  • Anthony, L. and Baker, P. (2015). ProtAnt: A tool for analysing the prototypicality of texts. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20(3), 273-292. DOI: 10.1075/ijcl.20.3.01ant. [Link]

Other resources

  • French translation of paper "Anthony, L. and Baker, P. (2015)" (by Jean-Yves Préault) [Link]

Citing/Referencing ProtAnt

Use the following method to cite/reference ProtAnt according to the APA style guide:

  • Anthony, L. and Baker, P. (YEAR OF RELEASE). ProtAnt (Version VERSION NUMBER) [Computer Software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University. Available from

For example if you download ProtAnt 1.3.1, which was released in 2023, you would cite/reference it as follows:

  • Anthony, L. and Baker, P. ( 2023). ProtAnt (Version 1.3.1) [Computer Software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University. Available from
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