Laurence Anthony's Website


Older releases

All previous releases of FireAnt can be found at the following link. <*.exe> and <*> are for Windows. <*.dmg>, <*.zip> and <*.pkg> files are for Macintosh OS X. <*.tar.gz> files are for Linux.

Frequent asked questions (FAQ)

  1. How do I use the main tool while collecting Twitter data?
    • Just double-click on the icon of the executable (exe) and start a new instance.
  2. When I authorize Twitter to collect tweet data, does FireAnt see my ID or password?
    • NO. FireAnt opens a browser and connects you directly to the Twitter server to enter your credentials. FireAnt only sees the returned public authorization code after you have pasted it into the entry box.
  3. Why does it take so long for the software to start?
    • The software has to unpack and save itself into a temporary folder on your computer from where it lauches. This copying takes a little time.
  4. Why does the software appear to stop and then start again when first launching on Mac OS?
    • The software has to unpack and save itself into a temporary folder on your computer from where it lauches. The first time the icon appears in your taskbar, the sofware is being copied to the temporary folder. The second time the icon appears, the actual program is being launched.

Discussion Group


The development of this software was supported by the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science, grant references: ES/K002155/1 and ES/L008874/1.

Citing/Referencing FireAnt

Use the following method to cite/reference FireAnt according to the APA style guide:

  • Anthony, L. and Hardaker, C. (YEAR OF RELEASE). FireAnt (Version VERSION NUMBER) [Computer Software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University. Available from

For example if you download FireAnt 2.2.1, which was released in 2022, you would cite/reference it as follows:

  • Anthony, L. and Hardaker, C. ( 2022). FireAnt (Version 2.2.1) [Computer Software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University. Available from
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